Hijacked Amazon.com Product Listings and Trademark Registration
Posted on Mar 17, 2020 in Articles
An article posted on March 13, 2020 by Vox illustrates the importance of registering trademarks in goods sold on Amazon.com. Organic Chix, a manufacturer of organic hand sanitizer saw its sales soar 185,000 percent because of increased demand in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Vox article, the manufacturer’s product listing on Amazon.com was hijacked by other sellers purporting to sell the same product. Unfortunately, the manufacturer had failed to previously secure a trademark registration for its hand sanitizer, which is required for protection under Amazon’s Brand Registry protection program. Consistent with our experience working with Amazon.com, Organic Chix found that persuading Amazon.com to assist with hijacked product listings and common law trademark infringement is more difficult and time-consuming outside the program. Unfortunately for Organic Chix, the substantial sales lost while persuading Amazon.com to rectify the situation may never be recovered.
Caesar Rivise, PC has vast experience establishing and enforcing trademark rights, including trademarks for goods sold on Amazon.com, on behalf of its clients. Please contact us if we can be of any assistance.